Friday, February 20, 2009

Breaking "single awareness" everywhere...

Recently, as we all know, was the dreaded day of Valentine's. Single women everywhere bought a pint of Ben and Jerry's and watched romantic comedies until they fell into a deep diabetic coma. My friend called me up shortly after this holiday and dubbed it "single awareness day."

...Why? Why are we so aware/afraid of being single? This goes beyond just wanting to be in a relationship. It's always uncomfortable going to a movie without a friend or, worse, a restaurant. It's awkward. It feels weird saying table for one. We assume everybody is staring at us and saying, "All alone, poor thing."

The few that do do (Ha! do do...I'm a child) this, I commend you. You are one in the independent fight to be 'single' and loving it--in every sense of the word.

I'm starting this blog as a tribute to those people, as a way to better myself and my awkwardness and as a stand against "single awareness." I'll try to go on dates with myself as often as I can and blog post-date...what a better place to do this then NYC? I belive there was a Sex and the City episode where SJP goes to a restaurant with "no book to protect her"...or something like that (ok...yes...cliche to use a SATC example when speaking of NY (why can't I just spell all these things out anyway?)). Let's stop waiting for someone to come along and entertain us! Let's go on a date with ourselves!.....Ok that sounded plural when really this is a single know what I mean.

Have suggestions for a date with myself? Let me know! (I'm up for *mostly* anything)

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